Contango, Preferent
Faberge Blue
Contango x Kroniek U (by Democraat)
Owner William Mitchelson, Rider Michael Bragdell
Breeder Marie Emrey
4th place, 69.050%, KWPN-NA - Musical Freestyle, Grand Prix
Contango x Basho SCF (by Jazz, Pref.)
Owner/Rider Carrie Wilson
Breeder Lana Sneddon
3rd place, 71.750%, Dressage Horse of the Year, Third Level
Erik 351, Sport
Willow ISF, Sport/Elite
Erik 351 x Brecht J., Star (by Anton 343, Sport/Pref.)
Owner Lynn Phillips, Rider Rachel Pugh
Breeder Iron Spring Farm
Champion, FHANA - AA Prix St. Georges
Champion, FHANA - Vintage Cup - AA Prix St. Georges
4th place, 60.147%, FHANA - Open Prix St. Georges
Florianus II, Crown
Florianus II x Unikat (by Consul)
Owner/Breeder Julie Griffin
3rd place, 65.053%, KWPN-NA - Vintage Cup, First Level
6th place with Cheryl Quinn, 68.243%, KWPN-NA - Open, Second Level
6th place with Julie Griffin, 65.053%, KWPN-NA - AA First Level
Lennox ISF
Florianus II x Andorra ISF, Elite/Sport (by Sir Sinclair, Keur)
Owner/Rider Valerie Angst
Breeder Iron Spring Farm
4th place, 67.133%, KWPN-NA - AA Musical Freestyle, First Level
8th place, 67.133%, KWPN-NA - Musical Freestyle, First Level
Florianus II x Zoe (by Taxateur)
Owner/Breeder Evelyn Angelle
Rider Erika-West Danque Nece
Res. Champion, 76.700%, KWPN-NA - Materiale – Four and Five-Year-Old Mares
7th place, 71.111%, KWPN-NA - Open, First Level
Sir Sinclair, Keur
Alain Delon
Sir Sinclair x Giovanna (by Beach Boy)
Owner/Rider Heather Jans
Champion, 64.457%, KWPN-NA - Vintage Cup, Grand Prix
Res. Champion, 64.457%, KWPN-NA - AA Grand Prix
3rd place, 64.457%, USDF Vintage Cup, Grand Prix, AA
6th place with Lisa Froehlig, 65.413%, KWPN-NA - Open, Grand Prix
Con Brio SDF
Sir Sinclair x Windfall SDF (by Taxateur)
Owner/Rider Franziska Seidl
Breeder Sheri Evers-Rock
4th place, 64.996%, USDF Vintage Cup, Grand Prix, Open
5th place, 68.475%, KWPN-NA - Musical Freestyle, Grand Prix
7th place,64.996%, KWPN-NA - Open, Grand Prix
Sir Sinclair x Melisande (by Carpaccio)
Owner/Rider Casey Eitan
Breeder Linda Smith
5th place, 69.000%, KWPN-NA - AA Musical Freestyle, Intermediate I
6th place, 64.118%, KWPN-NA - AA Prix St. Georges
7th place, 62.574%, KWPN-NA - AA Intermediate I
9th place, 69.000%, KWPN-NA - Musical Freestyle, Intermediate I
Sir Sinclair x Melvira (by Gentleman, Keur)
Owner Diane Morrison, Rider Caroline Stevenson
Breeder Inspo, Inc.
Res. Champion, 65.347%, KWPN-NA - AA Fourth Level
4th place, 65.347%, KWPN-NA - Open, Fourth Level
Sir Sinclair x Willingal (by 00 Seven, Keur)
Owner/Rider Kathryn Meintsma
Breeder Daniela Hofacker
Champion, 69.100%, KWPN-NA - AA Musical Freestyle, Third Level
5th place, 69.100%, KWPN-NA - Musical Freestyle, Third Level
6th place, 63.875%, KWPN-NA - AA Third Level
Leopold SCS
Sir Sinclair x Magic of Forest Gate Farm (by Pilgrim 336)
Owner/Rider Amy Michelsen
Breeder Judy DeBoer
Champion, 65.084%, Friesian Sporthorse Assoc. - Musical Freestyle, Second Level
Res. Champion, 64.167%, Friesian Sporthorse Assoc. - Open Second Level
Res. Champion, 64.167%, Friesian Sporthorse Assoc. - AA Second Level
Margot ISF
Sir Sinclair x Ballerina Ceroon, Elite/Sport (by Oscar)
Owner/Rider Jennifer Simpson
Breeder Iron Spring Farm
7th place, 65.000%, KWPN-NA - AA First Level
Teade 392, Sport
Atlas Fox Stable Friesians
Teade 392 x Faith f/t Friesian Connection (by Minste 382, Sport)
Owner/Breeder Jane Fox
Rider David Donnelly
Champion, 72.759%, FHANA – Open Training Level
Reina P.
Teade 392 x Reike K.C., Star (by Tsjalke 397)
Owners/Breeders Krista & Brad Porter
Rider Krista Porter
Champion, 66.285%, FHANA – AA First Level
Res. Champion, 61.786%, FHANA – AA Second Level
3rd place, 66.285%, FHANA – Open First Level
3rd place, 61.786%, FHANA – Open Second Level
Zaida, Star
Teade 392 x Leia Z. (by Ids 300)
Owners/Breeders Krista & Brad Porter
Rider Morgan Porter
Champion, 63.966%, FHANA - Jr/YR Training Level
3rd place, 63.966%, FHANA - Open Training Level
Zander ISF
Teade 392 x Cleo van het Binnenveld, Star (by Heinse 354, Sport/Pref.)
Owner/Rider Jamie Hedges
Breeder Iron Spring Farm, Inc.
Champion, 64.914%, FHANA - Vintage Cup - AA Training Level
Res. Champion, 64.914%, FHANA - AA Training Level
3rd place, 64.914%, FHANA - Open Training Level
UB40, Keur
UB40 x Windsor CA (by Warkant)
Owner/Rider Hailey Guard
Breeder Susen Shumaker
4th place, 71.650%, KWPN-NA - Musical Freestyle, Intermediate I
7th place, 66.757%, KWPN-NA Open, Intermediate I
Forty Creek
UB40 x Windsor CA (by Warkant)
Owner/Rider Bridget Bursey
Breeder Susen Shumaker
Champion, 75.033%, KWPN-NA - Musical Freestyle, Fourth Level
6th place, 75.033%, USDF Musical Freestyle, Fourth Level
Guinevere CPF
UB40 x Amulet ISF (by Contango, Pref.)
Owner/Rider Greta Vowell
Breeder Julie Lane
Res. Champion, 72.750%, KWPN-NA - Musical Freestyle, Intermediate I
4th place, 69.853%, KWPN-NA Open, Intermediate I
6th place, 72.750%, USDF Musical Freestyle, Intermediate I
6th place, 71.012%, USDF Musical Freestyle Challenge, Intermediate I
UB40 x Jolien E. (by Chronos)
Owner/Rider Laura Crowl
Breeder Reese Koffler-Stanfield
4th place, 68.824%, USDF AA, Intermediate I
Uno Don Diego
Lennox TF
Uno Don Diego x Eerste Zarma (by Westpoint, Keur)
Owner/Rider Alexis Clugston
Breeder Kerrin Dunn
6th place, 67.550%, KWPN-NA - Musical Freestyle, First Level
Winand 405
Windhorse Ysis, Sport/Elite
Winand 405 x Cleo van het Binnenveld, Star (by Heinse 354, Sport/Pref.)
Owner Jamie Hedges, Rider Allison Spivey
Breeder Iron Spring Farm, Inc.
Champion, 65.225%, FHANA - Musical Freestyle, Intermediate I
Champion, 63.677%, FHANA - Open Intermediate I
3rd place, 62.451%, FHANA - Open Prix St. Georges
Photo by Susan J. Stickle Photography
Learn more about the Adequan®/USDF All-Breeds Awards and how to qualify next year: here!