Sir Sinclair
Sir Sinclair is an outstanding sire, winning Get of Sire, Dressage at Devon Breed Show 4 years in a row. Sir Sinclair is ideal for large boned mares that need a more modern type stallion. When bred to a fine boned mare you should get more bone, and the offspring won’t be too heavy. Sir passes on his willing temperament and is a good choice for dressage, eventing and hunters.
Learn all about Sir Sinclair.
Meinse 439
Meinse 439 has proven to be an outstanding athlete, winning 1st Place Pavo KFPS/KNHS Stallion Competition, L level with 70.45%.
As a sire, he has many 1st and 2nd premie foals. He has a good rectangular shape, a beautiful shoulder and neck with an excellent front. Meinse is built uphill, with excellent use of of his legs, which should be passed on to his children. Learn all about Meinse.